Match point
2005, Woody Allen
What is luck? We should start from here.
It is obvious that we do not control everything. We call luck to events that without us apparently doing anything, are in our favour. When the opposite happens and the event is not positive, we talk about bad luck. However, it is the same: something happens that does not depend on us and we want to justify it in some way.
Although it is an ambiguous issue with undefined limits, we will ignore all those situations where we say “luck” but they were real situations that depended in huge percentage on our attitude, expectations, what we could have done and did not do, or just when we didn’t realize that something was under our control and we leave it up to fate.
So, why in high performance, or any other environment with maximum rigorousness, we say that good luck does not exist?
Because the conditions of the environment and the activity itself require such a level of preparation, that those who reach the end and advance rounds in their competitions, they have had to overcome many obstacles and situations so that whoever wins does not do so by chance.
It requires so much effort and sacrifices to win, that is too unfair to call it luck
Perhaps, they have had more resources, budgets, facilities, etc. and we can discuss merit according to the conditions and what has been worked on, although it always will be subjective, but good luck won’t be the main reason. What is clear is that you have to work so hard to reach the end with options and try to win, to devalue all that and attribute all the merit to luck.

Not everyone has the same opportunities, but when the demand is maximum and all the details matter, nobody wins by luck. On the other hand, bad luck could appear because things can always happen that do not depend on us and push us out of the way.
Perhaps, they have had more resources, budgets, facilities, etc. and we can discuss merit according to the conditions and what has been worked on, although it always will be subjective, but good luck won’t be the main reason. What is clear is that you have to work so hard to reach the end with options and try to win, to devalue all that and attribute all the merit to luck.
Even so, that there are events that we do not control and that could harm us, does not imply that we can not self-criticize everything we have done, in order to improve and prepare ourselves for the next opportunity.
Therefore, we return to the question we made at the beginning: what is luck? It is discipline, sacrifice, union, determination, effort, training… it is our day to day trying to improve to reach the decisive moment, win and let some people call it “luck”.